This is Gavin‘s dream–and America’s nightmare.
California’s nearly-recalled Governor, Gavin Newsom, has been spending time and money traveling to Red States to tell his story and tout his “accomplishments”. He is running for President. He denies it—like he denies that California is in fiscal and cultural chaos, but he is angling to be the Democrat’s 2024 candidate replacing the failed, incompetent Joe Biden. Newsom’s non-performance and his personal behavior, should have gotten him recalled, much less propel him to higher office.
Get to know California’s Bad Governor, GAVIN NEWSOM: Here’s what you need to know:
FACT: GAVIN is untrustworthy-he cheated on his wife with his best-friend’s wife.
FACT: GAVIN admits to a drinking problem but brags that he still drinks.
FACT: GAVIN has welcomed the homeless- one third of all homeless in the USA are in California.
FACT: GAVIN’S California is one of the HIGHEST-TAX states.
FACT: GAVIN closed schools for most California kids—but sent his to an open school.
FACT: GAVIN has overseen a massive exodus of Californians to better-run, less-crime-ridden, lower tax states.
FACT: GAVIN is the only California Governor to LOSE a Congressional seat.
FACT: GAVIN turned a budget surplus-thanks to COVID money-into a huge deficit in one year.
Droughts due to neglect bring restrictions.
Power outages caused by ‘green’ mandates.
Sanctuary cities bring illegal immigrants.
Crime brings constant fear, store closures, lowers quality of life.
GAVIN NEWSOM will remake the USA in California’s gloomy image.
Gavin Newsom wants to be President. Bad idea. Bad for California. Bad for America.